Monday 6 November 2017

Researcher - would you like to help?

Hello, I am Rebecca Ozanne, a PhD student from the University of Central Lancashire, and Forensic Psychologist in Training; I am completing research looking at the experiences of victims who have been abused in institutional/in care settings.  This includes sexual, physical or emotional abuse that took place whilst residing in an institution such as boarding school, residential care, prison, borstal or any form of secure care.  If you have experienced this form of abuse when you were under the age of 18, and feel comfortable and willing to write about these experiences anonymously for the purpose of this study, please click the link below. This will redirect you to my participant information sheet where you will be given more information.  You will not be asked to name abusers or to provide your name. I am interested in the impact of these experiences on you only, not in identifying details. Clearly, considering your abuse may be distressing for you and the information sheet will provide you with some sources of support to contact, should you need to. As some of the information shared may be sensitive it is suggested that a private computer is used and that you log out when the session is complete. Ethics for this study have been granted by the University of Central Lancashire.