Friday 19 February 2016

5 steps to reduce anxiety

1. Recognise the anxiety 

Recognise anxiety for what it really is, a series of fear-based thoughts which try to trick you into believing something is real. These thoughts aren't real they are just what anxiety conjures up. Recognising this helps you to stay detached from the fear they try to create. 

2. Start with your breath

Anxiety makes the body tense and the breathe more shallow. Shallow breathing feeds the anxiety and prevents you from relaxing. It's preparing you to fight or take flight when what you really want to do is calm down and gain control. Take deep, full breaths concentrating on the feeling of air entering and leaving your lungs. Breathe in through your nose and as you exhale through your mouth, make your exhale longer than your inhale. Deep breathing signals the body to relax and helps calm your mind. 

3. Connect to your body 

To stop the hamster wheel spinning in your head, start moving your body. So get up and get moving. Walking, running, dancing, yoga, hula hooping (my favourite) - all put you in the present moment, which is real and grounded.

4. Talk to someone

Being alone helps anxiety catch hold and amplifies its effects. An anxious thought can become your whole life. You may forget that there's an entire world out there. By focusing on someone else, your mind gets distracted with a new activity and gives you perspective beyond yourself.

5. Get into nature.

Nature is a wonderful refuge and the best way to get grounded. Noticing the sky, trees, the sun on your face and the strength of the wind reminds us that there is a power far greater than ourselves. Tapping into that power can create a feeling of acceptance.